Western Water Law & Policy Reporter
March 2013
Volume 17, Number 5
March 2013
A Big Deal—The Ninth Circuit Preserves the Bargain that Made the CVP by Steve Saxton, Esq., Downey Brand LLP, Sacramento, California127
Several Water-Related Bill Will Be Addressed During the Arizona State Legislature’s 2013 Session133
Multiple Water-Related Bills Proposed in the Oregon Legislature135
California State Water Resources Control Board Releases Draft Substitute Environmental Document on Changes to the Bay-Delta Plan137
Nevada State Engineer Moves Forward with Carbonate Aquifer Applica-
San Francisco PUC Agrees to Prevent the Draining of Hetch Hetchy Reservoir without Approval from Water Users Outside of San Francisco141
District Court Allocates 40 Percent of CERCLA Munitions Site Soil and Groundwater Remediation Costs to the United States143
American International Specialty Lines Insurance Company v. U.S., ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. CV09-01734 (C.D. Cal. Jan. 9, 2013).
Land Use Battle in the Mountains—California Court of Appeal Fields CEQA and Tahoe Regional Planning Compact Issues for Ski Resort Expansion . .146
Sierra Club v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. 2:2012cv00044 (E.D. Cal. Jan. 4, 2013).
District Court Finds ‘Navigable Waters of the United States’ Does Not Mean ‘Traditionally Navigable Waters’ In Section 311 of the Clean Water Act . .148
U.S. v. HVI Cat Canyon (Greka), ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. 11-05097, Amended Order (C.D. Cal. Jan. 16, 2013).
Texas Appellate Court Denies City Immunity in Takings Claim Based on Damages Caused by Drainage System150
City of El Paso v. Mazie’s L.P., Case No. 08-11-00233-CV (Tex.App. filed Dec. 19, 2012).
Washington Pollution Control Hearings Board Rules Spokane Wastewater Reclamation Facility Is a ‘New Discharger’152
Sierra Club, et al. v. Washington Department of Ecology and Spokane County, PCHB Case No. 11-184, Order Granting Partial Summary Judgment (Jan. 8, 2013).