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Environmental, Energy and Climate Change Law & Regulation Reporter

January 2012

Volume 4, Number 8 January 2012


‘Much Ado About Nothing Much’—A Summary and Analysis of the 2011 California Environmental Quality Act Legislation by Michael Zischke and Christian Cebrian, Cox, Castle 219


After Global Financial Crisis Contributes to Emission Decline, Global Carbon Emissions Jump to Record Levels in 2010225

Study Examines Economic Impact of Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative Auctions226

Report Finds Massachusetts Ranks First in Energy Efficiency228

Modeling Study Analyzes Potential Effects of Climate Change on Yellowstone Wolf Populations229


Recent Scientific Studies of Climate Change231


California Energy Commission Considers ‘Expansion’ of Its Siting Jurisdiction to Photovoltaic Solar Power Plants234


Recent Investigations, Settlements, Penalties, and Sanctions236



EPA Files Notice of Consent Decree Establishing Deadline for the Agency to Take Action on a Clean Air Act SIP for the San Joaquin Valley237

El Comite Para El Bienestar De Earlimart v. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. 11-cv-3779, filed Nov. 14, 2011 (N.D. Cal.).

District Court Agrees that Alabama and Louisiana’s Claims for Civil Penalties under State Law Are Preempted by the Clean Water Act238

In re Oil Spill by the Oil Rig ‘Deepwater Horizon’ in the Gulf of Mexico, on April 20, 2010, ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. MDL 2179 (E.D. La. Nov. 14, 2011).

District Court Finds CAA Emissions Data Produced in Litigation Is Not Presumptively a Public Record—Protectable Privacy Interests May Attach240

The Little Hocking Water Association, Inc. v. E.I. Du Pont De Nemours & Co., ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. 2:09-cv-1081, slip opinion (S.D. Ohio Nov. 18, 2011).

District Court Rules that Washington’s Clean Air Act State Implementation Plan for the Regulation of GHGs Is Federally Enforceable242

Washington Environmental Council v. Sturdevant, ___F.Supp.2d___, Case No. C11-417 MJP (W.D. Wash. (Dec. 1, 2011).


California Court of Appeal Upholds ‘Preservation in Place’ Analysis in EIR and Finds No EIR Was Required to Evaluate Impacts from Sea Level Rise on Project244

Ballona Wetlands Land Trust v. City of Los Angeles, ___Cal.App.4th___, Case No. B231965 (2nd Dist. Nov. 9, 2011).