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Category "California Water Law & Policy"

U.S. Supreme Court Delivers Major Constitutional ‘Takings’ Decision Applicable to All Federal, State or Local Ordinances Throughout the Nation

Knick v. Township of Scott, Pennsylvania,___U.S.___, 139 S.Ct. 2162 (U.S. June 21, 2019). On June 21, [...]

Trump Administration Undertakes Historic Rollback of Protections for National Parks

Trump Administration Undertakes Historic Rollback of Protections for National Parks

Since January 2017, the Trump administration has undertaken over 100 actions that have the potential [...]

Facing Sea Level Rise, California Coastal Commission Tests Powers for “Managed Retreat” of Homes along the Coastline

Facing Sea Level Rise, California Coastal Commission Tests Powers for “Managed Retreat” of Homes along the Coastline

  The California Coastal Commission (Commission) is charged with protecting the state’s beaches from the effects [...]

U.S. Bureau of Reclamation Revives Plan to Raise California’s Shasta Dam

Since the 1980s, Shasta Dam has been a focal point in debates for increasing the [...]